5 Basic Skills that Toddlers Can Learn by Traveling

By miyosi ariefiansyah (bunda taka) - August 23, 2020

We probably think that traveling with toddler is the hardest part of the duty as a mother, although some people may be enthusiastic. When single, going somewhere is not the same as when married with a toddler. There are a lot stuffs to prepare. However, it does not mean we hate trips with toddlers. In this way, toddler can acquire many useful skills for their life.

At least, there are 5 basic skills toddlers can learn by traveling.


A. Exploration skill

Two or three year old toddlers begin to  interest in exploring everything around them. They will be so curious for every single thing they see, so it's good for them to learn new things to expand their vocabulary and knowledge. They will be excited when we ask them to go to zoo, beach, ecopark, museum, and national library. Those places provide all things toddlers need.

a. Zoo

In the zoo toddlers learn about flora and fauna. They don't only see on books or watch on Youtube, but they can also see real animals and plants. It's totally different, isn't it? They can see directly animals characteristics, they have two or four legs, colorful skin or feathers. Toddlers notice how they walk, how they swim or fly.

b. Beach

In the beach, toddlers learn about aquatic ecosystem. They can feel how the nature is going on beaches. They can also see the sands and sea creatures which live on beach or in the sea.

c. Ecopark

At Ecopark, toddlers learn animals farming,gardening, and rice planting.

d. Museum

In the museum toddlers learn about history. Maybe, the place will make toddlers a bit boring, but they have to know about museum to learn the legacy of their own country or others.

e. National library

Toddlers know collection of books to teach them to love books. Hopefully they will love reading.

B. Problem solving skill

Traveling with toddlers can also build up their problem solving skill, for example when they are playing in the play ground and do many activities like climbing, playing a ball, etc, they will learn about how to handle them all.

C. Social skill

We know that one of important skills everyone has to possess is social skill. It can't be learned in short period. It is built for a long time. Toddlers can get the skill when they do traveling, such as in a public place, they can learn about being respectful, showing empathy, tolerance, building team work, being patient, and having self defense.

D. Life skill

When preparing to go traveling, toddlers can get dressed by themselves. Buttoning, shoe lacing, or carrying a small backpack are good practice for building their life skill.

E. Communication skill

In every visited place, toddler can communicate with others confidently. It can't be built in one night. We have to train them since they're very young.

Traveling has so many advantages for us, especially toddlers. As a mother, we must prepare many things before we go with them, but it will not be a big problem, because toddlers will get many things for building their basic skill. 

Now, traveling might be more complicated after pandemic. Our life probably won't return to normal although covid-19 is gone. People might not travel abroad in the next few years due to pandemic. Everyone asked, "When will this be over? When will we feel secure to go anywhere?". I hope everything can be better. Aamiin.

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  1. Bacanya eungap. Ga biasa hehehe...
    Tapi bener. Dengan bepergian, anak selain bisa belajar dengan kondisi lokasi yang dituju, anak juga bisa belajar mengatur emosi, kesabaran, dan etika dalam perjalanan menuju ke suatu tempat.

    Semoga anak kita sehat selalu...

    1. Bnerr, Mbaa
      Sblom nanti anak2 kita punya acara sendiri sm temen2ny wkk
      Aamiin ya Rabb
      Mugi sehat semuanya

  2. Meskipun butuh pengorbanan dengan ngajak anak traveling tapi effort yang didapat ternyata luar biasa ya Mba. Walopun traveling nya cuma jalan kaki keliling kampung, karena kerasa banget bedanya kalo mereka cuma main, nonton ato maen game saja di rumah

    1. Iya, Mbaa
      Walau cm keliling tamna sebelah tempat tinggal aja atau ke konbini (Krn saat pandemi gini jg jarang ngluarin bocil sy by)

  3. With traveling our kids can learn everything.

    Pastinya akan menjadi bekal mereka di masa yang akan datang. Pengalaman hidup tak terbeli.

    Mbak Miyosi...ketemu lagi di sini. Alhamdulillah 😇

  4. Agree. Travelling could make our children learn more about nature and practical life skills that they have. Also develop their sense of courage and curiosity..

  5. Love reading this article (using English) but I need some effort for understanding it. But no matter. Thank you mbak to remind me studying English again. Anyway back to the topic, yes travelling make children know much. I love travelling but not this time, last travelling in pandemic we went to beach. From home in dawn. Got there quiet beach. Yeay!

    1. Sama, Mbaa
      Saya pun masih terus mengasah dan belajar, namany jg bukan org dr bangsany tom Cruise y mba wkkk
      Iya, Mbaa
      Saya pun sekarang nyimpen bocil aja kecuali d saat2 tertentu dg syarat yg Mayan ribet gara2 pandemi ini
      Moga2 ank2 kita smua sehat y mbaa

  6. Wow so many skills children can learn from travelling. I guess problem solving skills need parents to let children be themselves, not help them immediately

  7. Ngajak anak jalan-jalan itu memang banyak manfaatnya ya, mbak. Dan saya setuju nih kalau ngajak anak jalan-jalan mending pas umurnya sudah 3 tahun soalnya dia sudah ngerti Macam-macam. Kalau pas masih di bawah itu kadang capeknya doang yang berasa sementara anaknya nggak ngerti. Heu

  8. Ah benar sekali mbak..
    Mengajak anak jalan-jalan selain memberi kenangan yg indah, anak juga bisa banyak belajar y

  9. It's rarely for me to read blog posting in English and I love it :)
    Yeah, I agree with your statement about 5 basic skills above.
    Based on my experience, it works too for my children. That basic skills are also important learning they could get besides from home education.
    Also, travelling with toddlers amused me much although I had to do more preparation than I used to.

  10. Travelling with toddler is so challenging right? As kindegarten teacher, I ever experienced that but its was nice. Your blog post makes me miss to have travelling again.

  11. Traveling sama bocah itu lama di siap-siapnya 😅 segala barang perasaan jadi penting. Buat kalau dia gini, buat kalau dia gitu. Ribet juga. Tapi asyik dan senang lihat dia senang.

  12. I completely agree with you, Mbak.

    Our favorite place is beach and seeing scenery from above (mountain or observations deck).

    From nature kids can develop many skills and learning a lot of things.

  13. I completely agree with you, Mbak.

    Our favorite place is beach and seeing scenery from above (mountain or observations deck).

    From nature kids can develop many skills and learning a lot of things.

  14. woah, traveling sekalian belajar. learning by doing ya mba. It's so fun. apalagi untuk anak-anak toddlers. Masyaallah sehat selalu sekeluarga di jepang, mba.

  15. Can agree more, Mbak. Our family also love to travelling together with our kids. Coz' kids will learn a lot of things from their travel experience. Althought, we have to spend a little more money, than just give them toys or books, but we believe that the money is worth to buy.
    Btw, love this article. It makes me practice my english more, hihi

  16. Traveling can grow kids' skill and also make them happier. I have dream bring my children get traveling in one day.

    Duh mbak Bahasa Inggrisku kurang fasih ni.

  17. Yang peer banget tuh ngajak ke museum mbak, soalnya anak kecil belum belajar sejarah. Jadi bosen mereka. Hehhe


Makasih udah ninggalin jejak yang baik ya, Teman-teman! :)