Day 338: 5 Essential Things for Facing Winter Season in Japan

By miyosi ariefiansyah (bunda taka) - December 03, 2020


Facing winter season in Japan needs preparation. Though, the winter season may always attract the attention of many people, especially to those who come from tropical countries like me. But we have to know it's not only the attraction that we should pay attention to but also the challenges. The temperature that is always below 10 or 5 degrees celsius and even minus is one example.

And now, we are in the last month of 2020 which winter starts coming. For me, December is always very special. Not only because it's already winter, but also December is the month I was born. Yeah, I am turning 34 years old on the 25th. I am getting older, I know. :D I just remembered that I've known my husband since 19 years ago, when I was young. We have been in a special relationship since I was 15 and he was 17.

By the way, It's my second winter in Japan. How quick time flies by. Last year at the same month, I was still in Indonesia waiting for COE. I also wondered what Japan was like. We were still in a long distance marriage.

This winter was greeted with the increase of the coronavirus cases in Japan, including Tsukuba. Yeah, Japan is on third waves. Recently, the average number of cases per day have exceeded 2000. I hope everything will get better soon, not only in Japan, but also throughout the world, especially in Indonesia.

Honestly, I want to tell you a lot. Moreover, I haven't written here in a long time. There are lots of things and projects I'm working on. I hope I can tell them all on my blog soon.

Okay, back to the topic. What is winter like in my place? Since it's already my second winter here, I shouldn't be surprised anymore because I have experienced it.

And just like summer which also needs preparation, like what I have written on this blog, so does winter. Those two seasons in my opinion are quite extreme. Yeah, at least from the perspective of people who come from tropical countries where the average temperature is stable.

In the summer, the air is very humid. And during winter, the temperature is chilly. So we both need more preparations. Actually I have written my first impression about winter. Well now I am writing again from the point of view of a person who has been living here for almost a year. My opinion is still the same.

These are 5 essential things for facing winter season in Japan:

First, use heat tech. It is absolutely important. I've only worn a long shirt and a jacket. The result, I got sick.

Second, use heater in the room and refrain to go out, except for the essential things.

Third, use an electric blanket when sleeping.

Fourth, wear a coat, scarf, gloves, etc when going out.

Finally, take a bath with a fairly hot temperature. It is especially important if you are outdoors all day. I think It is very effective at preventing cold.

For me personally, If I have to choose, I prefer winter to summer huehehe. I like winter the same as I like autumn or spring. Now, I am waiting for snow. I hope I can see them before going back to Indonesia.

But, whatever season, hopefully all of us will always be healthy. Aamiin.

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  1. Wah, tulisannya bagus sekali. Saya terjemahkan dengan sepengetahuan saya. hehe. Karena pengetahuan bahasa Inggris saya masih minim. Dingin banget ya di sana sampai 5 derajat celcius. Enggak kebayang.

    kebetulan ini, saya menulis blog yang temanya perantau, cek ya di link ini kak....

    1. Wah, matur nuwun dah mampir, mas
      Maaf baru balas seabad kemudian 🤭🤣
      Sip sip nanti aku mampir yak

  2. Wah seru banget kayaknya, Mbak. Nanti ceritain soal lihat saljunya juga, yah hehehe. Oia, baru tahu aku saking dinginnya winter disana kudu paket electric blanket. Bikin nyaman atau malah bikin makin gelisah tidurnya itu, Mbak? :D Jangan lupa mampir ke juga yah Mbak ;)

    1. Iya mbaa
      Dulu suka rebutan sm anak n suami bahkan heuu
      Makasih udah mampirr

  3. Berarti setiap orang di jepang harus punya heat tech, electric blanket, dan room heater ya mbak? Kalau untuk perawatan kulit gimana mbak? Kalau cuaca dingin gitu, kulitnya jafi lebih kering atau mengelupas gitu nggak mbak?

    1. Bener bgts mba
      Tanpa itu, spertiny akan susah bertahan
      Bukanny lebay, tp dinginnya bener2 ruar biasa d tanah air ga ada
      Iya mba
      Kulit suka keringg

    2. Bener bgts mba
      Tanpa itu, spertiny akan susah bertahan
      Bukanny lebay, tp dinginnya bener2 ruar biasa d tanah air ga ada
      Iya mba
      Kulit suka keringg

  4. wow, Japan has already hit the third wave. I think these tips are missing. need nutritious food for good immunity. Hopefully the family will be healthy

    1. Thanks for reminderny, Mas
      Bener bgts
      Consuming nutritious everyday is A MUST hehehehe


Makasih udah ninggalin jejak yang baik ya, Teman-teman! :)