Online Education Degree Program

By miyosi ariefiansyah (bunda taka) - November 19, 2019

When we decide to study through an online education degree program, we have some considerations that written below:

1. We are busy

We work every day and almost have no time to study again. But, in the other hand, we want to improve our knowlegde. So, finally, we choose online education degree program that can be followed by busy people because the class is so flexible.

2. We want to study abroad, but we don’t have much money to stay in another country

Maybe, we want to study abroad. But we don’t have much money to make it real. By online education degree program, we can make it happen. We can study in another country that we want without staying there.

3. We want to have different condition by learning online 

Online education degree program is like home schooling. We can study at home although our university or school is so far. We only need to connect with internet so that we can communicate with our lectures and friends from another country.

4. We have other reasons which make us decide to study online

Is online education degree's quality as good as offline?

Actually, wherever we study, It depends on ourselves. No matter how good school or university, It will never make us good too automatically. If we are lazy, we can't succeed. Yeahh... although many people still have an opinion that good school can produce good and successful people.

And then how to make online education degree program more effective? We have to do several ways as written below:

1. We must be discipline although we study at online and our lecturer don’t know whether we study or not since we study online.
2. We must allocate time every day wisely and don’t use it for useless activites.
3. We have to relearn the lesson we received.

Let’s try and good luck!! 

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  1. Online learning is used very often now because it is one of the most wonderful ways to get the necessary knowledge and not be distracted from your business.

  2. Nampol banget, nih..

    "...No matter how good school or university, It will never make us good too automatically. If we are lazy, we can't succeed."

    Btw, mo nanya Mbak. Ada contoh perguruan yg ngadain Online education degree?

    1. Kalau dalam negeri, aku kurang familiar, Mba
      tahunya MIT Open Course nih, gratisss

  3. This article is relevan with today situation. Offline degree classes are switched to online because of covid-19. So, I think the consideration of this case is based on poin 4. Is it right?

    1. yes, ms
      honestly, i never imagine we would be here, in the situation like now
      if i could choose, i would choose we could get online course without covid-19

  4. Replies
    1. you're welcome ms
      i wish this information is useful for you
      don't hesitate to add other informations if you know more
      thank you

  5. Thank you for this information. Apa di DN ada juga mba 🤭

  6. Nice article about online stydy.

    I think for Degree, both, online and offline study, student have to discipline with their task. The more we explore and research, we will get more experience. :)

  7. I agree with Mbak Miyo's statement if no matter how good school or university, it will never make us good too automatically. But the atmosphere (especially about competitive) at the best school is too different with the others. That atmosphere can push everyone to become a better person.


Makasih udah ninggalin jejak yang baik ya, Teman-teman! :)